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About Us

As a Community Council we act as a voice for Broomhill. We ascertain and express the views of the community to local authorities and other public bodies, and seek to take action in the interests of its community. We complement the role of Glasgow city council but are not part of local government. We have a positive working partnership with the local authority – and are informed on the council’s policies, and kept updated on the activities of the council.

Who we are

We are a wholly voluntary group of Broomhill residents who give time to, and have a genuine interest in, the wellbeing of our community.

What do we do?

We normally meet 10 times per year, and our chief role is representative: to consult the local community and to make known to the local authority and other public bodies the views of local people on all matters affecting them.

At our meetings we discuss local issues and areas of concern e.g. traffic problems, street cleaning, planning applications, licensing applications. We then work in partnership with our elected members, the local council or local police to resolve them.

Our meetings are open to the public and regularly attended by our elected members as well as from time to time local police officers and other invited guests to speak on matters relevant to our area.

Community councils form the most local tier of statutory representation in Scotland. They exist within a statutory framework and which have been granted statutory rights of consultation.

Contact Us

Want to ask us something about the local area? Is there something that we can help you work out with GCC? Get in touch:

Email us!

Note that any communication with us is subject to our Privacy Policy

Members & Office Holders

Barbara McTavishChair
Lorna McWilliamsVice-Chair
Hector RufrancosSecretary
Broomhill Primary School Parent Council Rep
Charles ScottTreasurer
Minutes Secretary
Victoria Park Community Trust Representative
Victoria Park Area Partnership Alternate Rep
David RennieVictoria Park Area Partnership Representative
Friends of Naseby Park Representative
Martin KeaneLiveable Neighbourhoods Representative
Morag McKerrellOrdinary Member
Roy HamdyOrdinary Member